sabato 14 marzo 2009


Jones launched itself to the early Internet adopters in the mid nineties and
has an established “coolness” with more independent minded people. It
connected with the attitudes and values of west coast surfers, skaters and
boarders. But are we relevant to todayʼs 14 year olds? How do they define
independent thinking? Whatʼs it mean to be a rebel, edgy or irreverent today?
How can we continue to be invited into their circles? How do we continue to
be a leading independent, “non Madison Ave approach” Internet marketer?

Jones Soda has been a leading advocate for freedom of expression through
sports, drinks and your images on their bottles. As an innovator of new
flavors they have always understood the way to somebody's heart is through
creativity. Because of their trust in you, they have decided to kick off this
new era of sodas with you in mind. In fact, they're depending on you to come
up with your new ideas for their brand as defined by you. We want the most
relevant independent, edgy, irreverent, rebellious examples of what "cool" is
today coming from the people who know Jones best... the customers!

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